A blog dedicated to southern interiors, cuisine, apparel and all things in the southern style

Friday, March 25, 2011

Southern Gothic

I am a huge fan of Southern Gothic literature.  William Faulkner, Tennessee Williams and Harper Lee are classics, with To Kill a Mockingbird being my all-time favorite.  So, this got me interested in gothic architecture.  We have three beautiful examples here on campus, built between 1884 and 1888.
Clark Hall, located on the University of Alabama campus, is one of my favorite examples of Gothic Architecture.  Can you believe that the University actually let this magnificent building fall into enough decay that it was almost falling down?!  Thank goodness the administration wised up and restored Clark for future UA generations.

I am not sure where this house is located but I would love to see the inside.

I could get used to cooking in this kitchen.  This is, if I did much cooking.  I like how this room utilizes some gothic features but doesn't overwhelm the space with too many.

This is a great space and I love the casual vibe it gives off.
What an adorable swing.  I hate to even know what it cost.

What do you think about these architectural details?  I can just imagine these elements in a quaint little gothic cottage set behind a couple of low branching oaks. SO southern.

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