A blog dedicated to southern interiors, cuisine, apparel and all things in the southern style

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Yellow Fever

When everything starts blooming and the highs are in the 80s', you know its spring in the south.  Every year about this time, I long for a yellow room.  I love the yellow and green combo in the picture above.

This is a little too much yellow for me but I still think its an adorable room.  I can just imagine how bright this room would be with the morning sun.

I like this room but it needs MORE yellow!

Just the right amount of yellow to suit my taste. I think the mixture of yellow, blue and black (maybe thats a dark gray, I can't tell from the picture) is perfect.

Wish this was mine!  I love painted furniture and this yellow really makes this piece of furniture the star of the room.

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